On Wednesday 11 December 2024 there will be a General Election to elect nine Conseillers to Chief Pleas.
The Sark General Election on 11 December is a crucial opportunity for Sark residents to elect their representatives to Chief Pleas, influencing key decisions that will shape the island's future.
This election is particularly significant as recent changes now allow residents aged 16 to 18 to vote, promoting inclusive participation in Sark's fledgling political landscape.
Engaging in this election empowers individuals and fortifies the democratic framework of Sark, ensuring diverse voices are heard in local governance. By voting, residents contribute to the unique independence of Sark and help shape policies that affect all aspects of community life.
A booklet with mini-manifestos from the candidates who choose to submit them, a full list of candidates standing and information how to vote will be distributed to households.
‘Meet the candidates’ event
A ‘Meet the candidates’ event (to which all candidates will be invited) will be held in the Main Hall Room at the Island Hall on Friday 6 December from 5pm to 7pm.
At the polling station
The Polling Station will be in the Toplis Room at the Island Hall on Wednesday 11 December 2024 from 8am to 6pm.
The count follows in Main Hall Room as soon as possible after the polls close. Members of the public are invited to attend and observe the count, but they are asked to remain silent throughout, please.
Representatives from the States of Guernsey’s electoral services team will be present in an advisory and assistance capacity to offer support to the Returning Officer.
How do I vote?
Vote for a candidate using your ballot paper.
• Choose who you want to be a Conseiller. You have up to nine (9) choices.
• Mark [X] next to your choice.
You may use all your 9 choices, some or only one.
In the event of a ‘tie’ between two candidates, when the addition of one more vote would have caused a person to be elected, a second election is to be held.
The most public aspect of a Conseiller is making decisions in Chief Pleas, Sark's parliament, which meets five or so times a year. Activities include making legislation, debating policy and oversight of Committees.
A larger proportion of a Conseiller's time is spent contributing to the work of Committees. Committees are agents of Chief Pleas, responsible for policy making and, in many cases, lead day-to-day delivery of public services.
Read about Committees' mandates and operational functions:
We have increased our civil service capacity. Chief Pleas now has greater structure and support through a small, professional civil service.
The role of the civil service is to provide evidence-based policy advice and strategic planning so as to drive delivery. This affords greater assurance of essential public service delivery and for Chief Pleas to focus on the legislative and policy direction.
Newly elected Conseillers are offered support by the Speaker of Chief Pleas and Deputy Speaker of Chief Pleas to understand the Rules of Procedure, particularly in relation to Committee elections.
A support package is being developed for new and current Conseillers with an induction event on Saturday 1 February. This will provide training in procedure, legal drafting and IT with representatives from the Law Officers, Ministry of Justice and States of Guernsey travelling to Sark to offer their assistance and experience.
Read about the Rules of Procedure:
Conseillers are expected to attend all meetings of Chief Pleas. This often involve preparation time, for example, meeting with stakeholders and briefings from Committees.
The workload of a Conseiller varies depending on the number of Committee membership and the mandate of the Committee(s).
Conseillers are not renumerated.
Conseillers are required to abide by a Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct sets out the expected behaviour of a Conseiller based around the Seven Principles of Public Life (the 'Nolan Principles') and helps them understand their role and responsibilities, to Chief Pleas and the community.
Chief Pleas of Sark
Committee Office, Chasse Marette, Sark GY10 1SE | Tel: (01481) 832118 | Email: committeeoffice@sarkgov.co.uk
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