Thursday 28th April 2022
'Soft plastic' - residents are reminded that 'soft plastic' is not part of the Sark recycling scheme. This includes food wrappers, cling film, bubble wrap, crisp bags, carrier bags, Amazon/Royal Mail delivery bags, compost bags, animal food pouches to name just a few. These sorts of 'soft plastic' should be disposed of in Black bags.
Blue & Clear bags may still be to collect from the Committee Office: 11.00am - 3.00pm Monday to Friday
The following is a list of the most recently asked questions regarding Sark's recycling.
At the foot of this page you may also find copies of the notices that have gone out to households.
Cans, tins and/or plastic bottles MAY be crushed before they go into the Blue recycling bag, if it is your wish.
Crushed items take up less space and thus more Blue bags will fit in a skip sent to Guernsey, so reducing the cost to the scheme.
This is entirely optional, contrary to what appeared on the latest house-to-house (an unfortunate edit resulted in the opposite of the desire effect to be inferred).
A corrected version of the house-to-house may be viewed/downloaded from this site.
A ‘black bag’ is any bag, other than the recycling Blue and Clear bags, that is used for burnable rubbish and will not be collected unless it has the correct, prepaid sticker on it.
So, if for burnables you use a grey bag, or a white one, even a yellow one, in fact any other colour besides 'blue' or 'clear', as long as it has the correct prepaid sticker on it, it will be collected as a 'black bag'.
This one is a little difficult, plant pots are usually made from High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) or Polypropelene and are harder to recycle than the Polyethylene Terephthelate (PET) from which plastic drinks bottles are made. It is not the intention to ask residents to start looking at the small recycle triangle on each item and tell them which can, and which cannot, be recycled. This may come in at a later date, but right now, the answer is no, plant pots are not being recycled.
Tins and cans need to be clean (if not Sark will be charged a higher cost to recycle), but there has been no request for labels to be removed.
We have had no request from GRG to separate these materials. Until we hear otherwise, please recycle the item whole, in the Blue Bag.
Yes please.
At present only items listed on the GRG leaflet (or the Douzaine letter, which was copied off the GRG leaflet) as going in the Blue or Clear bags is recyclable, everything else (burnable) goes in the Black bag.
Short answer, no, they go in the Black bag.
Long answer, (optional) if the plastic window is removed, the envelope may go in the Clear bag and the plastic window into the Black Bag.
Your first set of Blue and Clear bags are to be delivered to your house. It is planned to get them out before the start of the New Year, but this may not be until after Christmas.
If you do not have your bags in time for the rubbish recycling collection in the first week of January, please do not panic, just put out everything in black bags. You will not be penalised if you are unable to recycle from day one. It was always intended for there to be a gradual introduction, rather than go full on from the very first day.
Replacement Blue/Clear bags will be available to collect from the Committee Office in the latter half of January 2022.